This PGN Viewer is an online app to read chess games from files in PGN format. This app visualizes the games and moves in an easy to use interface.
PGN file is a "Portable Game Notation" standard designed for the representation of chess game data using ASCII text files.
This PGN Viewer does not save or share the file you select. It only works locally without going through the server. (HTML5 technology)
You can open a PGN file to view from your computer or your Google Drive.
Supports Chrome, Firefox, Edge, IE11, Safari. Drop a PGN file on this page.
Sample Game
Loaded Game
Enter PGN Text
2025, PGN Viewer for Chess
Keyboard Shortcuts
Next move:
Right arrow key
Previous move:
Left arrow key
End of game:
Ctrl + right arrow key
Start of game:
Ctrl + left arrow key
Next game:
Up arrow key
Previous game:
Down arrow key
First game:
Ctrl + up arrow key
Last game:
Ctrl + down arrow key
To use this app, Please login to the Google Drive and authorize this app or website.
(Note: If your browser block or disable the third-party cookies, this login does not work correctly.)